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PENDEK , Everyday you make me smile
You let me know you care.
You help me see the good in things.
And for me you’re always there.
Everyday You ease my pain,
And help me through my
You let me know I’m not
You teach me
love that way.
Everyday I say a prayer
To keep you safe and free.
And everyday is filled with hope,
That you’ll spend time with me.
Everyday you show me love
Wanting nothing back from me.
You let me know you are my friend
And keep me company.
Everyday I look around
Even when my life’s a mess.
Knowing in my heart of hearts
My friends are just the best.
Everyday I thank the God
For having given me
The very best that I can have,
That is, all my friends , you see <3 !

big girl dont cry :))

aww Guys , best kan lagu tuhh ? www <3 gilaa suka dohh lagu tuhh . Sumpah , teringin na perform lagu tuh kat mana-2 tempat yangg ada function . tapi , errr . thiz year BUSY gilaa :'( huh . ta bekesempatannn ouhh . sadd :'(

kim hyung joong @ yoon ji hoo (;

ilovethisguys <3